The Merger (2018)
The Merger (2018) produced by Dream Genie, directed by Mark Grentell (nominated for best Soundtrack/Composition at the Ozflix Awards)
Wolves (2015)
Wolves (2015) produced by Tim Perell, directed by Bart Freundlich (USA film premiered at Tribeca Film Festival in April 2016)
Satellite Boy (2013)
Satellite Boy (2013) produced by David Jowsey, directed by Catriona McKenzie, featuring Jida Gulpilil
Bran Nue Dae, (2009)
Bran Nue Dae, (2009) produced by Robyn Kershaw and Graeme Isaacs, directed by Rachel Perkins
Two Fists, One Heart (2008)
Two Fists, One Heart (2008) produced by David Elfig , directed by Sean Seet
The Man Who Sued God (2001)
The Man Who Sued God (2001) produced by Sue Flatman and David Flatman
In a Savage Land (1999)
In a Savage Land (1999) directed by Bill Bennett – Winner of Best Original Score 1999 AFI Awards, Best Original Soundtrack Film Critics Circle of Australia, Best Soundtrack Album 2000 ARIA Awards
Deadline Gallipoli (2015)
Deadline Gallipoli (2015) produced by Penny Chapman, directed by Michael Rymer, 4 part Foxtel Series about a Journalist in World War One
The Straits (2012)
The Straits (2012), produced by Matchbox Pictures, featuring Telek, Airileke, Richard Mogu
The Circuit (2007-2010)
The Circuit (2007-2010) produced by Ross Huchens, soundtrack featuring the Pigram Brothers, Patrick Davies and Kerrianne Cox
The Aftermath: Beyond Black Saturday (2019)
The Aftermath: Beyond Black Saturday (2019) produced by Renegade Films
Australia's Lost Impressionist (2018)
Australia's Lost Impressionist (2018) produced by Catherine Hunter
Kangaroo: a Love/Hate Story (2018)
Kangaroo: a Love/Hate Story (2018) produced by Hopping Pictures
Putuparri and the Rainmakers (2015)
Putuparri and the Rainmakers (2015) directed by Nicole Ma, produced by John Moore
Make Hummus Not War (2014)
Make Hummus Not War (2014) produced by Ned Lander, Directed by Trevor Graham
Mary Meets Mohammad (2013)
Mary Meets Mohammad (2013) Directed and produced by Heather Kirkpatrick
Strange Birds in Paradise (2009)
Strange Birds in Paradise (2009) produced by Charlie Hill-Smith
Australia: Land Beyond Time (2001)
Australia: Land Beyond Time (2001) produced by Sue Millikin, directed by David Flatman
Mr Neal is Entitled to be an Agitator (1990)
Mr Neal is Entitled to be an Agitator (1990) directed by Daryl Dellora